Yamaha Dx1 FM Synthesizer

Instrumentos musicales Sheerness, Kent, United Kingdom
3.500 €


Here we have Yamaha DX1. This is a "good one" and whoever the new owner is I feel they will be very happy.It includes it's original power cable, original manual, sustain pedal, and two excellent Shofuku carts.
Everything on this instrument functions like it should and it looks sharp.It has always been kept in a climate controlled environment.It has two very small cosmetic flaws that are not immediately noticeable but I wanted to mention them. It has a light one inch scratch below the Yamaha logo closest to the keys and a small cosmetic imperfection about the size of a pencil eraser or cigarette butt end on the left hand side. (to the right of the data entry buttons above key #15 on the face of the instrument) Other than those two cosmetic imperfections it looks incredible and would belong in a museum. The inside of the instrument is also extremely clean. It has never been abused or abandoned. Everything on this instrument works perfectly.

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ID Anuncio 13911
Fecha de publicación 08/06/2019 13:06

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Dx1 FM Synthesizer
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