David Berning Zotl Pre 1 Line Stage.

Previos Mijas, Málaga, España
2.900 €


Preamplifier David Berning Zotl Pre One Line Stage
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Sistema Dc-coupled line stage with dc offset null servo.
Dc output protection shutdown.
No negative feedback used in either the phono or line stage.
Non-magnetic chassis prevents skin-effect induced distortion.
Power consumption: 35 W ac powered, or 24 W dc powered (12 V @ 2 A).
Line voltage required: (universal) 100-240 VAC, 50-440 Hz.
Signal to noise, high-level stage, 20-20 kHz: 90 dB referenced to 1 V RMS input, unweighted.
Signal to noise, phono only, without MC step-up transformer: 60 dB ref. 10 mV RMS input @ 1 kHz, unweighted.
Signal to noise, phono only, with MC step-up transformer: 56 dB ref. 1 mV RMS input @ I kHz, unweighted. Transformer configured for 1:8 ratio.
Distortion, almost all 2nd harmonic: High impedance load ~ 0.5 % @ 2 V RMS output; 50 Ohm load ~ 2 % @ 1 V RMS output.
Maximum output: Hi-imp.- 5 V RMS @ 3 % THD; 50 Ohm- 2.5 V RMS @ 7.5 % THD.
Frequency response @ 2 V RMS output both High- imp load and 50-Ohm load: -0.5 dB at 20 kHz and + 0.2 dB at 20 Hz. Ref 0 dB at 1 kHz.
Output impedance: 50 Ohms.
High level gain: 12 dB maximum.
RIAA phono gain @ 1 kHz, no transformer: 48 dB. Additional 17 dB with transformer set to 1:8 configuration. 1:12 and 1:24 configurations also available.
Phono overload: 110 mV RMS @ 1 kHz no transformer. 14 mV with transformer (1:8).
High-level input impedance: 56 k? max, can be as low as 12 k? with balance attenuators set to minimum and volume control turned full clockwise.
Tube complement: (4) 12AU7 high-level stage; (2) 12AX7 + (2) 12AT7 phono stage.
Size: 42 cm wide, 33 cm deep, 15 cm high, (16.5 X 13 X 6 inches), including connectors and feet and knobs.
Net weight: 6 kg (13 lb); Boxed, 8 kg (18 lb).
Finish: silver anodize

contactar. maestroguzman@hotmail.com
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Fecha de publicación 25/05/2024 19:32
Última actualización 07/10/2024 10:22

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José Guzman
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