Home Cinema Barcelona, Barcelona, España
300 €


The SY-4KS4K22 HDMI Scaler is designed to upscale 1080p resolutions to 4K Ultra High Definition (UHD) resolutions, or downscale a UHD 4K signal to 1080p for integration into any AV system. This scaler utilises the lastest HDMI2.0 and HDCP2.2 technology ensuring the highest level of compatibility available. The ability to downscale 4K signals to 1080p is a crucial function when working with 4K sources in a complex AV system and distributing the HDMI source signals to multiple displays which have varying resolution support.

The SY-4KS-4K22 incorporates two HDMI outputs, one of which can upscale or bypass (input follows output) and the second can downscale or bypass the incoming signal. The SY-4KS-4K22 allows the user to select the highest supported resolution between the source and the each connected display. Both the bypass output and scaled output operate simultaneously.

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Visualizaciones 323
ID Anuncio 40607
Fecha de publicación 17/01/2024 18:29

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