Tentogra Gramy VTA

Giradiscos o Platos Ksawerów, łódzkie, Poland
17.000 €


Last year it was presented at the HighEnd Munich 2023 along with the Tentogra WoWo and Tentogra Oscar MKIII turntables.
The first edition of this turntable was held in 2019 at the HighEnd Munich 2019 fair.
The turntable has an innovative battery power supply and a cartridge timer. Another innovation is its design and the possibility of adjusting the VTA of each installed arm thanks to its special construction.
The offer includes the new Kuzma Stogi S-12". Tonearm and the new Kuzma CAR-30 cartridge. Weight of the turntable 47 kg. Paypal +6%

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ID Anuncio 17347
Fecha de publicación 11/03/2020 16:13
Última actualización 27/02/2024 11:05

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