Mcintosh MT10 Turntable

Giradiscos o Platos Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary
6.500 €


This is informativ photos.

I will rate this turntable at 9/10 condition, I kept it on the rack just to play my collection of records. I bought it from a local dealer 1 years ago, and it has a newly installed cartdridge stylus

This is a fantastic piece of electronics equipment. The beauty with its glass face plate, and the performance you would expect from McIntosh. A great turntable and a great value.

This MT10 includes:

1. All the accessories and manual
2. Original Box
3. Cables

This is informativ photos. For more photos and details don't hesitate to contact me.

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Visualizaciones 659
ID Anuncio 43259
Fecha de publicación 02/07/2024 13:54
Última actualización 02/07/2024 13:58

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