Bel Canto DAC 3

Fuentes Lisboa
499 €


Sem caixa, em perfeitos funcionamento.

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The Bel Canto DAC 3 is a nicely built piece of kit and aesthetically simple and pleasing. It is tremendously versatile in features and connectivity and functioned flawlessly. The DAC 3 has an incisive, detailed and fast sound that maintains tonal neutrality and superb resolution. Run as a preamplifier in a single source system, it shines in the areas of transparency and dynamics whilst maintaining its other strengths as shown via its DAC section. That it lagged behind the valved Supratek in terms of body and bass power is no embarrassment considering the latter's standing as one of the planet's best preamps.

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ID Anuncio 43241
Fecha de publicación 01/07/2024 11:51

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paulo Castanheira
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