Thorens TEM 3200 Mono PowerAmps

Amplificadores Deal, Kent, United Kingdom
4.800 €


Pair of Thorens TEM 3200 Mono PowerAmps in excellent mint condition, Tested, 100% working, sold with 30 days warranty or money back if not satisfied.
Power at 8 oHM / 4OHM : 203.0 W / 352.0 W,Signal to Noise Ratio: 93.0 dB (A)
Extreme monoblocks with special tubes in the input and high-power output transistors in circlotron arrangement. Setting new standards. incredibly fine and spatial sound.

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ID Anuncio 13616
Fecha de publicación 21/05/2019 11:09

Atributos de Productos

TEM 3200
Valoración 0 voto/s
0 voto/s