Sugden A25B Ampificador Integrado

Amplificadores Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Barcelona, España
350 €


Amplificador integrado SUGDEN A25B vintage en buen estado de funcionamiento. Leves signos de desgaste.El precio no incluye el transporte.
Potencia de salida RMS 34 vatios
Distorsión a 1 kHz / 1 vatio: 0,03%, 1kHz 30 vatios, 0,05%
A25B Integrated Amplifier
"This solid little amplifier proved to be one of the most listenable in the test." "Of the two top amplifiers in this group - I marginally preferred the sound of the Sugden." "the Sugden simply traded some of its rival's detail and pin-sharp imagery for sparkle and life." - Hi-Fi World - Oct-92

"I can't think of why we haven't heard more of it. Sugdens own slogan is "Hand Crafted - Fait a la Main", I'll suggest another "Search out a Sugden"." - Hi-Fi World - Dec-91

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ID Anuncio 29806
Fecha de publicación 02/05/2022 12:49

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