Audio Research GSPre Preamplifier

Amplificadores Albrighton, Shropshire, United Kingdom
3.600 €


Audio Research Galileo GSPre preamplifier.The GSPre is the top model of the Galileo line from Audio Research.
This preamp is in line with the legendary SP 10, SP11 and SP15 preamplifiers from Audio Research, which were characterized, among other things, by the fact that a high-quality phono part was integrated. GsPre is now picking up on this tradition. It is quite difficult to find an equal phono part, the integrated GsPre plays on a very, very high level.

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ID Anuncio 28102
Fecha de publicación 09/02/2022 08:55

Atributos de Productos

Audio Research
GSPre Preamplifier
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2 voto/s