Atma Sphere M-60 tube audio amplifier, 2x60W OTL, ALL OPTIONS included

Amplificadores Puteaux, Francia
8.200 €


Dear audiophile friends,

I am pleased to offer you here 2 brand new, mono blocks / power amplifiers from Atma Sphere, model M-60 MK 3.3 (the latest version), 2x60W, 235V, in brushed gold finish, with all options (Vcaps, PowerBoost, Resistor package).

For years, the M-60 has been the object of all desires. The specialized press has awarded it 14 prizes to date. It was elected 7 times "The Best Amplifier of the Year" (the last time in 2021). Soundstage has given it the "Hall of Fame" award. Absolute Sound has awarded it the "Golden Ear" and "Editor's Choice" on several occasions.

To my knowledge, it is the most awarded amplifier in the world!

The M-60 offers very high-end features, musicality, and precision that is unlike any other amplifier. It operates in Class A with absolute stability and unconditionally proven reliability. Sporting a classic open-chassis construction, the M-60 showcases the beauty of the tubes, in a design that is both classic and modern.

Its power tubes are inexpensive (€30) and are easily available. Moreover, they do not require pairing. In a system based on high-efficiency speakers (Zu, Voxativ, Tannoy, Klipsch, DeVore), small bookshelf speakers, horns, and paired with Quad ESL 57 or 63 electrostatics, these superb mono blocks will simply be the ideal choice for amplification.

No matter the budget you put on a potential competing amplifier, the M-60 will match or surpass it! The music emerging from these jewels is of sublime sweetness, incredible and crystalline precision. The dynamics are exceptional, the coherence is total across the entire sound spectrum, the bass is very deep, and the feeling that the performer is in your room is striking. In few words, no other amplifier will sound the same! This is simply the best amplifier in the world!

The secret of the machine lies in the use of OTL technology, of which the Atma Sphere company has been the uncontested leader for 50 years. Contrary to popular belief about OTL-type amplifiers, a tube flash on the M-60 will have no impact on your speakers. The construction is so solid that you can outright remove a power tube while the device is operating, and this will not disturb its functioning. Of course, you should not perform this kind of test with your EAR Yoshino, McIntosh, Audio Note, Audio Research, Ayon, Air Tight, Kondo...

Both mono blocks are under the manufacturer's warranty for 3 years. The bias is automatic. The public price in the USA in this configuration is $9,240. This is new product, never used, uboxed (the photo presented in the advertisement is a demo pair).

Free delivery in France, and 100€ for the rest of the EU. If you live in Paris, you can also come and pick them up in person.

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Fecha de publicación 18/01/2024 22:12

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