Pass Labs XA100.8

Amplificadores Castellnou de Bages, Barcelona, España
13.200 €


The XA100.8’s realize a muscular yet highly refined sonic profile. Like all Pass Laboratory’s power amplifiers, they features both single-ended and balanced inputs, Furutech five-way binding posts and a convenient ground terminal for safe subwoofer connection. Improved constant-current sourcing, precise voltage references and current-feedback all represent new benchmarks in state-of-art amplifier design. The result is a larger, more realistic soundstage,

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Visualizaciones 910
ID Anuncio 42452
Fecha de publicación 03/05/2024 08:56
Última actualización 18/11/2024 15:21

Atributos de Productos

Pass Labs XA100.8
Valoración 2 voto/s
Isaiah Santiago
2 voto/s