Spendor S100 w/solid oak custom stands w/wheels

Altavoces Alicante, Alicante, España
2.500 €


Por encargo de un amigo, se vende el material indicado.
Se puede probar en Alicante.
Contactar con Mike al teléfono 643 063 252
very sad but I am selling my Spendor S100 in perfect condition w/ matching serial numbers... xovers recapped with quality parts and tweeters replaced in both even though they were working...also has custom solid oak stands hand made at a custom wood shop...
has wheels for easy movement...one draw back is I don't ship them...

Price is firm! please don't ask me to mail...they don't have boxes and too heavy to mail...
for pick up only and can be seen and listened to in Alicante Spain

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Visualizaciones 769
ID Anuncio 43884
Fecha de publicación 29/08/2024 19:54
Última actualización 29/08/2024 19:58

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