Sonus Faber Olympica 3 MK3 Speakers

Altavoces Sheerness, Kent, United Kingdom
3.000 €


Excellent condition, Immaculate Sonus Faber Olympica III Speakers, Only one owner from new.
There's a real pride of ownership with Sonus Faber speakers, they are almost like the Ferrari of the speaker world with that Italian passion running through everything they do, from the stunningly elegant speaker cabinets to the highly developed drivers.

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Visualizaciones 3766
ID Anuncio 13909
Fecha de publicación 08/06/2019 13:03

Atributos de Productos

Sonus Faber
Olympica 3 MK3 Speakers
Valoración 0 voto/s
0 voto/s