Sonus Faber Amati Homage

Altavoces Germany
7.900 €


This pair is as immaculate as any new ones straight out of the boxes. In effect, you are looking on a pair of new old stock speakers, though the boxes have been opened and the speakers have been played by me in my laboratory. It was only for a very brief moment in their life. Since that time long ago, they have been in silent, dark, clean, and air conditioned storage in my laboratory.

I must say, these beauties are incredible, in both looks and sound. This pair is as immaculate as any new ones straight out of the boxes. I have the original Sonus Faber factory shipping crates, and they all look as brand new as the speakers.

Please ask if you have any qwestions. More photos at request. Shipping worldwide!

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Visualizaciones 2105
ID Anuncio 43166
Fecha de publicación 24/06/2024 17:36

Atributos de Productos

Sonus Faber
Amati Homage
Valoración 1 voto/s
Dirk Wolfgang Scheid
2 voto/s