Revel Ultima Embrace Surround

Altavoces Barcelona, Barcelona, España
1.400 €


The Revel Embrace surround speaker uses five drivers. A single 8" woofer is mounted on the front, with a 4" midrange and a 1" tweeter on each of the enclosure's angled sides. The 4" midranges and 8" woofer are the same drivers used in the Ultima Voice center-channel. However, the 1" tweeters are not the same Scan-Speak design used in the Voice and Gems.
The Embrace can be configured for bipole, dipole, or Dual Drive operation. (Dual Drive is an arrangement available in a few surround processors—notably from Citation—that lets the user separately drive the front and rear drivers and change the mode of surround operation from the processor.) It can also be set up for electronic switching between dipole and bipole.

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ID Anuncio 41107
Fecha de publicación 15/02/2024 11:38

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